Congratulations are in order if you just found out that you are pregnant. You now have a little bundle of joy growing inside of you. Figure out how far along you exactly are might be very confusing. Especially if it is your first and you could be wondering what is coming next. Listed below are some important facts you need to know and understand.
The reason why pregnancy is counted by starting from your last period
Midwives and doctors always use the 1st day from your last period to calculate your due date, even if they know you were not pregnant yet. That day is usually close to 2 weeks prior to your ovulation and conceiving. Doctors use the 1st day because women won’t know when they exactly ovulate, though, generally, all women know the date when they started their last period.
How doctors calculate your due date?
Normally, the doctor counts two hundred and eighty days from your 1st day of the last period to determine when your baby might be due. It’s exactly forty weeks, however, this date will just be an estimate. Just five percent of all babies may be born on the estimated due date.
You should immediately start with the basics of pregnancy
Calculate the due date of your baby
Once you more or less know when your baby will be due, you can concentrate on the weeks that lay ahead while your baby grows inside of you. Thus, you may estimate when it might be possible to hear his/her heartbeat when you can find out the sex of your baby and much more.
Choosing your midwife or doctor
In the beginning, you might see your doctor, a midwife or a gynecologist, and it’s very important to choose one that you feel comfortable with. If you decided who you want to assist you with your pregnancy, make sure to schedule your 1st prenatal appointment when you are about eight weeks into your pregnancy.
Make a decision when you would like to announce the pregnancy
Sometimes women might choose to announce it immediately, while others prefer to wait till after their 1st trimester, to avoid the risk of having a miscarriage. Choose who you want to notify first and how you would like to do it.
How to take the utmost care of your baby and your own body
Pay proper attention to your own health
It’s very important to always live a lifestyle that is healthy, but once there is a baby on board, it will be more vital. Ensure that you get enough folic acids, and start using prenatal vitamins which your doctor may recommend. Get sufficient sleep, do exercise routines that are pregnancy friendly and follow a healthy diet for pregnancy.
Avoid any pregnancy no-no’s
Pregnancy doesn’t mean you must exist in a sterilized bubble, although, there are things that can be dangerous when you are pregnant. Things to avoid can include caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, certain medications, and foods. Anything that contains toxins or drugs, such as marijuana, and also certain behaviors and activities should be stopped. Consult your doctor about what will be right for you and what not.
Prepare yourself for any symptoms of early pregnancy
All women won’t experience the same symptoms of pregnancy, but you should know what to expect and make sure you are not blindsided. Most women may experience sore breasts, funny food cravings, and jaw-dropping fatigue, vomiting, nausea, as well as some a frequent need to use the bathroom. These are the most common symptoms, so, if you experience anything that doesn’t feel right consult your doctor.
Be prepared for changes in your body
During pregnancy it won’t only be a big belly and breasts, there are many changes your body can go through. Although, it may never be the same for every woman. You can expect any of the following, such as varicose veins, stretch marks, swollen ankles, acne breakouts, darkened skin, and thicker or thinner hair. This can all happen over the forty weeks of pregnancy and you should be prepared for it.
Follow the development of your baby
Babies grow and change very fast and it’s important to know what you should expect over your pregnancy term to enjoy every moment.
What to expect during your three trimesters
First trimester
After implantation and fertilization, your baby will only be an embryo. It’s known as two cell layers which develop into body parts and organs. Your baby can grow quickly from a microscopic egg into a kidney bean size. The baby’s intestines start forming and the little heart beats fast. Then your baby’s nose, mouth, eyelids, and earlobes also take shape.
Second trimester
By now your baby’s length can be around three and a half inches and he/she may weigh close to one and a half ounces. The unique and tiny fingerprints will be in place on the fingers, with his/her heart pumping about twenty-five quarts of blood daily. With the weeks going on the skeleton of your baby starts to change from the rubbery cartilage to harden bones, and she/he begins to hear. At this time, you should feel flutters and kicks.
Third trimester
At the start of this trimester, your baby can weigh close to two and a quarter pounds. He/she can now blink with their eyes which already have lashes. Wrinkled skin starts to become smooth and he/she develops baby fat.
The hair, fingernails, and toenails also start to develop. Plus, billions of neurons get added to the brain. He/she is blossoming in your utero over the last weeks while still putting on some weight. By birth, an average baby can weigh about seven pounds and may be about nineteen inches long.