Friday, 15 September 2017

A Pregnancy Diet

Every woman should have a healthy diet during her pregnancy. You may be thinking or wondering “Why do I need a diet during pregnancy if need to gain weight?”

Well, this is not like all the other diets where you need to cut down on your calories to try and lose weight. However, this is more of a healthy diet to keep you and your baby healthy.

You must remember that whatever you eat, will also affect your baby’s health. Please Do not try to lose weight on a diet while you are pregnant as it is not healthy at all. Your baby and you will need a lot of minerals, folic acid, important vitamins, and iron. Most weight losing diets restrict those things that you and your baby will need.

Diets that should be avoided is South Beach, Raw Food Diet, The Zone and Atkins. The kind of diet that we are talking about is one that fine-tunes you’re eating habits to make sure that you get enough of everything you need. Your baby’s development and growth is very important. Thus, when it comes to eating, healthy is the only option.

To get all the nutrients that you and your baby will need, you will have to get in food from all the different food groups. The different food groups are bread and grains, dairy products, protein sources, fruits, and vegetables. You need to get an extra 300 calories in a day.

The Food Groups

In general, a person should eat healthy, it is very important that you try to get something in of all the food groups. Yet, you and your baby will need a lot of nutrients throughout your pregnancy. So, here are the different food groups and suggestions of how to have a healthy pregnancy diet.

Fruit and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of the nutrients that you will need during your pregnancy. For example, they contain Folic Acid and Vitamin C. If you are pregnant you need about 70 mg of vitamin C daily, at the least.

There are a few different fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C such as honeydew, grapefruit, and oranges in the fruits group, plus, Tomatoes. You also need to eat brussel sprouts, spinach, cauliflower and broccoli in the vegetable group.

You also want to prevent tube defects, so, you will only need about 0.4 mg of Folic Acid per day. Vegetables that have dark green leaves have Folic Acid inside them. These are vegetables like veal, lima beans/black beans, legumes, and black-eyed peas. A pregnant woman should have 4 or more servings of vegetables and 2 to 4 servings fruit a day.

Bread and Grains

A pregnant woman needs essential carbohydrates for her main energy source, this can be found in bread and grains. Grain products and grain enriched products will provide the important nutrients like Fiber, Vitamin B, Iron and a little bit of protein.

Additionally, you will also be able to get Folic Acid in from fortified cereal and bread. Your servings will all depend on your dietary needs and your weight. You will need to get in at least 6 to 11 servings of grain/bread daily. Serving should be in OZ.


There are a couple of food types that contain protein. Beans, fish, eggs, poultry and all meats contain protein. Most of these will also contain the vitamin B and iron that you will need.

Your baby requires a lot of protein to develop, he or she will need a lot more protein through the second and third trimesters. The iron that you take in will help carry oxygen to your baby and iron helps to give your muscles oxygen.

These are also known to in avoiding symptoms such as weakness, irritability, depression, and fatigue. You will need about 27 mg of protein a day. Eating liver, turkey, lamb, beef, veal or chicken are all good options.

Fish has a lot of good nutrition in them for pregnant woman, but you should try and avoid fish that has a lot of mercury in them. You must have at least 3 servings of protein daily.

Dairy Products

You will at least need about a 1000 mg of calcium daily if you are pregnant. Calcium is required for a lot of things in a person’s body. Calcium assists with normal blood clotting, muscle and nerve functions, plus, building strong bones and teeth. Your baby is constantly growing inside you and he or she will need a lot of calcium to help with their growth.

What happens in your body when pregnant? The body uses the calcium out of your bones to give to your baby while growing. So, you will need to replace the calcium that is taken away. There are many different issues that can be caused if you do not consume enough calcium. Issues such as osteoporosis can occur.

There are many different foods that can supply you with calcium. Foods like yogurt, cream soups, puddings, cheese, and milk provides good calcium. There is some other food that also contains calcium and they are beans, dried peas, seafood and some green vegetables. Will need to consume at least 4 servings daily of dairy or calcium-rich products.

A Balance of Nutrition

There are times that you will not be able to get in all the things that you need as a pregnant woman. Thus, you will need to take Prenatal Vitamins daily to fill in the gaps you may miss. If possible, or when planning a baby, it is best to start with prenatal vitamins three months before conceiving.

It is best to see your doctor before just taking any medication, he or she will give you the right ones if you need any. Another thing that you will need to remember it that prenatal vitamins can only help complement your pregnancy diet. 

Monday, 11 September 2017

Reasons to Use a Cosmetic Dentist

Except for restoring the functionality of your tooth/teeth, a cosmetic dentist makes use of different techniques to enhance your smile. Even in the case where your tooth/teeth are in an excellent condition, it’s still possible to add tooth whitening for that extra touch to highlight your existing beautiful smile.

Some patient’s confidence increases dramatically when a cosmetic dentist repairs their missing or broken teeth. To invest in a smile that is beautiful is not only all about appearances, but it’s an investment that is important for career and social opportunities.

Why should you visit a cosmetic dentist?

In the past ten years, technology and techniques used in cosmetic dentistry changed intensely, and improvements today is able to provide you with a beautiful smile. With all these new modern technologies, it’s possible for cosmetic dentists to transform your smile within only one visit. You will have the advantage of receiving a beautiful smile in no time and boost your confidence.

Different reasons why you should use a cosmetic dentist

Problems with stained teeth

You might be a big fan of drinking soda, wine, or coffee. Yet, do you understand the negative effect and stains caused by these drinks? How they can affect your teeth and how troublesome it may be.

Yes, it’s easy to find over-the-counter treatments such as strips, whitening toothpaste, and mouthwashes. However, they can’t provide you with results that are very reliable. Cosmetic dentistry will offer you a better solution as what home treatments can. Some of the procedures may take about an hour and produce results of nearly 8 shades brighter.

Self-consciousness with the spotlight on you

When your job requires face-to-face meetings with new clients and you are always in the spotlight, it’s important to have a first impression that counts. Especially your physical appearance.

This will include your smile and teeth which can build-up your confidence. Your cosmetic dentist would be able to help you achieve the look you need. Thus, allowing you to step out with confidence and proudly into the spotlight.

Problems with missing teeth

If some of your teeth or a tooth is missing, whether you lost it through a disease, accident or injury, a dental implant is an alternative that is more comfortable than traditional dentures. Depending on your bone and gum health, the dentist can determine whether dentures, tooth implants, or bridge prosthesis can be a suitable option for you.

Reshaping of your teeth

In the case where you have problems with your teeth which includes teeth that are oddly shaped, too pointy, or worn down, cosmetic dentistry will be your answer to ensure a pleasing appearance. Most of the time, they may use porcelain veneers, because it’s possible to shape it exactly the same as your original teeth.

Restoring teeth that are damaged

With years passing, your teeth may reveal deterioration through discoloration, cracks or chips. Cosmetic dentistry procedures like porcelain veneers or bonding can cover up all the damage to enhance the appearance of your tooth/teeth.

In some cases, where damage is very severe like broken or badly decayed teeth, your dentist will provide dental crowns that look natural to restore them, which can offer important support and structure.

To straighten misaligned or crooked teeth

Some patients that have crooked or misaligned teeth might want to fix them while avoiding the pain and humiliation of wearing metal traditional braces.
However, cosmetic dentists may offer alternative options such as clear braces for straightening your teeth, which were widely proven successful.

It consists of some plastic aligners that are close to invisible. These shift all the teeth in place without using metal braces. Another procedure that is effective to straighten your teeth is porcelain veneers.

Lengthening teeth that are too small

With teeth that are too small, you might feel very self-conscious. Your dentist may be able to bond dental veneers onto the tooth surface and alter their shape and length. Your dentist and you can then decide together on the color, size, and shape of the veneers to provide a beautiful smile which will look perfect.

You receive results that are good

Cosmetic dentists can fix broken, chipped, cracked or gapped teeth, as well as repair gum lines that are jagged and whiten your teeth if it is discolored. They will be able to correct all dental defects which might affect your overall appearance.

A younger appearance

Perfect dentistry can boost you psychologically and also provide you with a younger look by simply improving your smile. In social surroundings, you won’t experience any embarrassment about your look and you can socialize comfortably.

Long lasting effects

Most procedures will last for about ten years, this means that you can spend less money and time to fix your smile. The benefits of using cosmetic dentistry definitively outweighs all expenses.

Measures of prevention

Bonding procedures can strengthen your teeth. Worn and fractured edges also are covered by this procedure, which may prevent any further wear on your teeth.

So, if you have any problems with your teeth, make sure to contact your cosmetic dentist to help you with a better appearance and life.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Grave's Disease- Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

What is Grave’s disease?

Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that results in overproduction of the hormones of the thyroid gland, leading to hyperthyroidism. It usually affects woman under the age of 40.

However, Grave’s disease can affect anyone. The reason why the immune system works against the thyroid gland is unknown, or why the body produces an antibody to one part of the cells in the thyroid gland.

The thyrotropin receptor antibody (TRAb) acts like the regulatory pituitary hormone. TRAb causes an overproduction of thyroid hormones. Although anyone can be affected by this disease, some are at a greater risk of being affected by the Grave’s disease.

Risk factors include:

•    Age – this disease usually affects younger people, under the age of 40

•    Autoimmune disorders – people with other autoimmune disorders have a greater risk of suffering from Grave’s disease

•    Gender – women are at a greater risk of suffering from Grave’s disease when compared to men

•    Family history – this disease is more common among women of the same family. There is likely a gene or more than one gene that can increase the risk of suffering from Grave’s disease

•    Smoking – people who smoke are at a greater risk of suffering from Grave’s disease

•    Pregnancy – among women who are genetically predisposed to suffer from Grave’s disease, pregnancy or recent childbirth is a risk factor.

Signs and Symptoms of Grave’s disease

Thyroid hormones play a great role in a human’s body, affecting almost every organ. That is the reason why signs and symptoms associated with Grave’s disease can be wide ranging. The most common signs and symptoms include:

•    Enlargement of the thyroid gland – goiter
•    Grave’s ophthalmopathy – bulging eyes
•    A fine tremor of the fingers and hands
•    Anxiety
•    Irritability
•    Irregular heartbeats
•    Grave’s dermopathy – thick and red skin that shines
•    Frequent bowel movements
•    Erectile dysfunction
•    Reduced sexual libido
•    Change of the menstrual cycle
•    Heat sensitivity and moist skin
•    Weight loss, despite normal eating habits

How is Grave’s disease diagnosed?

When the disease is suspected, a wide range of examinations is available in order to diagnose it. Your health care provider will order you to do the following examinations:

•    Physical examination – a detailed physical examination is necessary, which includes also the examination of the eyes for Grave’s ophthalmopathy.

•    A blood sample – with the help of blood samples, levels of thyroid stimulating hormone TSH, pituitary hormones and the levels of the thyroid hormones, T3, T4, freeT3 are determined.

•    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland – with the help of the ultrasound, your health care provider will see if the thyroid gland is enlarged or not.

•    Imaging tests – CT-scan, MRI are used in cases when from the clinical assessment the diagnosis is not very clear.

•    Radioactive iodine uptake – a small amount of radioactive iodine is given to you, followed by the measuring of the iodine amount in your thyroid gland. The amount of the radioactive iodine taken up by the thyroid gland will help determine the real cause of hyperthyroidism.

Treatment for Grave’s disease

The goal of the treatment in Grave’s disease is to stop the thyroid gland from overproducing the hormones. But also to stop these already produced hormones affect the organs of the human body. One of the treatment options includes per - oral intake of radioactive iodine. The radioactive iodine taken, by mouth, goes into the thyroid gland and destroys the overactive thyroid cells.

Gradually, the thyroid gland will shrink and will produce less thyroid hormone. The time from taking the radioactive iodine until lessening of the symptoms is from several weeks until several months.

•    Anti - thyroid medication includes Propylthiouracil and Methimazole. These medications interfere with the thyroid’s use of iodine to produce the thyroid hormones.

•    Beta – blockers are used in order to control the cardiac signs that Grave’s disease causes.
Surgery is often recommended and a total or partial thyroidectomy is performed. Thyroidectomy like any other surgery has its own risks and possible complications. In this case, there is the risk of damage to the parathyroid glands but also damage to the vocal cords. One of the major signs of Grave’s disease, the Grave’s ophthalmopathy can be managed by using artificial tears and lubricant gels.

If the signs and symptoms are more severe the use of corticosteroids, prisms, orbital radiotherapy, and even orbital decompression surgery are necessary.